Forensic Trainings & Symposia
The ILPPP provides trainings on forensic evaluation and mental health law for mental health professionals, attorneys, judges, and forensic or correctional clinicians. We offer our trainings in a variety of formats, including in-person trainings at UVA, synchronous online trainings, self-paced prerecorded online lectures, and hybrid formats that include both in-person and online components.
These trainings are available to clinicians and legal personnel within and beyond Virginia. Although some trainings are tailored to Virginia law, the vast majority of content is applicable to professionals practicing in any jurisdiction.
Adult Examinees
Trainings regarding forensic evaluation of adult examinees span topics including competence to stand trial, legal sanity, violence risk assessment, malingering, expert testimony, cognitive bias, false confessions, forensic treatment, neuropsychology in forensic practice, cultural competency, and more.