Gabriele Trupp, PhD
Gabriele Trupp studied Clinical Psychology with a forensic emphasis at Sam Houston State University. She then completed her internship at Patton State Hospital and two-year fellowship at the ILPPP and Western State Hospital (WSH). She currently serves as the Pre-Trial Forensic Coordinator at WSH and part-time faculty at the ILPPP. In both of her roles she conducts a variety of forensic evaluations and assists in supervision of the forensic fellows at both the ILPPP and WSH. Her scholarly and research interests involve psychopathy, forensic assessment, and report writing.
Research interests:
Forensic assessment
Assessment of psychopathy
Language use in forensic assessment
Clinical interests:
Violence risk and sexual offense recidivism risk
Evaluations for sentencing and re-sentencing
Adjudicative competence
Select Publications
Beeley, C., Trupp, G., & Murrie, D. C. (2023). The Role of the Expert Witness in Forensic Psychology. In Dana Dunn (Ed.). Oxford Bibliographies in Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.
Scott, K., Boccaccini, M. T., Trupp, G., Murrie, D. C., & Hawes, S. (2022). Evaluator empathy in risk assessment interviews. Law and Human Behavior, 46(5), 325-336.
Trupp, G. F., Ricardo, M. M., Boccaccini, M. T., & Murrie, D. (2021). Forensic evaluators’ opinions on the use of videoconferencing technology for competency to stand trial evaluations after the onset of COVID-19. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 27(4), 537-549.
Ditsky, M. & Trupp, G. (2021). Texas Psychologists’ Evaluation of Wards for Guardianship Revisited. Texas Psychologist, 80(1), 15-16.
Trupp, G., Preszler, J., Boccaccini, M. T., Marcus, D., Varela, J., & Turner, D. (2021). Generalizability of psychopathy network analysis findings to scores assigned for clinical practice. Journal of Criminal Justice and Behavior, 48(5), 151-158.
See more of Dr. Trupp’s publications by downloading her CV.