Note: You will see various times to register for. Please select the next available date for registration. Because we want this course available at all times, and to comply with Eventbrite’s scheduling program, we have provided several registration dates. You will receive access to the resources on UVA Collab within 3 business days of your registration, regardless of what date you choose.

Welcome to Juvenile Forensic Literacy Training with the University of Virginia's Institute of Law, Psychiatry, & Public Policy! Please read these instructions carefully to learn how to navigate this online course.

What is "forensic literacy" training?

In collaboration with DBHDS, the ILPPP wanted to develop a more flexible and convenient training program for professionals working within or alongside the forensic system, but who will not themselves be conducting clinical forensic evaluations. To meet this need, we developed self-paced, online-only programs in various areas of forensic practice that we have termed "forensic literacy" trainings. Forensic literacy trainings include pre-recorded lectures, brief quizzes, and recommended readings hosted on UVA Collab, the University of Virginia’s online learning platform.

This course is specific to forensic literacy regarding juvenile defendants. This course review laws, procedures, and services related to work in the juvenile forensic system. This course does not provide the additional, more specialized training necessary only for those who will be performing clinical evaluations of juvenile competence to stand and other juvenile forensic evaluations. Those wishing to perform clinical evaluations should enroll in our hybrid/in-person training entitled "Juvenile Forensic Evaluation: Principles & Practice," offered approximately twice per year. All trainings are available at

Content Overview

This online training program consists of 11 pre-recorded training videos, each approximately 30 to 70 minutes in duration. You can watch these at your own pace. Topics include:

  • Introduction to juvenile forensic evaluation

  • Adjudicative competence in juvenile court

  • Research and clinical parameters of adjudicative competency

  • Other clinical & forensic issues in juvenile court

Accompanying written materials are available. There are also quizzes to assess your learning. 

The Speakers

Pre-recorded lectures are provided by a diverse team of forensic clinicians and attorneys. Lead faculty and point of contact for this training is Lucy Guarnera, PhD, juvenile training coordinator at the ILPPP. See "Faculty Bios" in the Resources tab for more details about your instructors. 


You may complete these online learning activities at your own pace and to your own desired level of mastery. The ILPPP will not be assessing your completion of the videos or your quiz performance. You will have access to all learning materials on UVA Collab until December 2025, so we recommend saving any materials as desired on your own device before then.

Continuing Education

Unfortunately, we cannot offer continuing education for this course because the American Psychological Association only allows credit for live (synchronous) online learning. 

Training Fees

  • $300: Standard registration

  • $250: Employees of Virginia DBHDS or a Community Services Board (CSB)

Please note that the reduced rate is available only for DBHDS and CSB employees, rather than all state employees, because DBHDS partially sponsors this training program.

Occasionally large facilities or state agencies outside Virginia want to send a team of trainees, for whom we can arrange a discounted group rate. Please contact us to discuss such arrangements.


Lectures and manuals are copyrighted to the University of Virginia’s ILPPP. As such they can not be used or reused without the explicit permission of UVA ILPPP.    

Contact Information

If you have technical difficulties or have any questions about this training, please contact juvenile training coordinator Dr. Lucy Guarnera at You are also welcome to consider us a resource for questions about forensic evaluation throughout your career -- we are always happy to answer questions or connect you with appropriate resources, so do not hesitate to contact us at any point going forward!

Cancellation Policy

There are no refunds once you have been given Collab access. This is because the materials are self-paced and always available. Once you have access to these materials, no refunds will be given.

How to Register

Please use the embedded checkout function through Eventbrite. Please allow up to three business days (usually less) to receive access to the resources on UVA Collab learning platform because the system is not automated and requires our staff to provide access manually. Please contact lead faculty, Dr. Lucy Guarnera, with questions.

Your credit card statement will read “UVA ILPPP PROGRAM CONF FEES” for this purchase.

Forensic Literacy: Understanding Forensic Services for Juveniles

Online (Self-Paced) Training Instructions